Tuesday, December 1, 2009

TechReflect: Telecommuting

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting.
Telecommuting has several advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of telecommuting include increased work productivity, environment protection and more flexibility. Telecommuting is basically working from home and connecting to company computers by modem. Telecommunication reduces traffic on the road and makes for less car accidents. Pollution decreases and energy is saved. Telecommunication also allows for a more flexible schedule. The worker can work at a time that suits him and that he is most productive at, instead of adhering to a strict schedule. This is also beneficial to parents with young children. Telecommuting also has disadvantages. The worker may get distracted at home with children, chores and errands and may not get the work done. On the flip side, they may spend all their time working and not spend time with their families and complete chores and errands. Also, if several workers are telecommuting, ties to the company and to co-workers may be weakened. When working at home, they are off their boss's radar and the boss may not remember him/her come promotion time. Meetings will be harder to hold. Not everybody is comfortable working at home.

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