Thursday, December 10, 2009

Review Questions

3- ASCII codes are numbers that represent different characters in an 8-bit code. The computer cannot understand numbers by themselves.

4- Information is stored in binary format because a computer does not understand words, numbers, pictures or even letters. The computer can only digest information if it has been broken into binary digits. A bit can have one of two values that are combined together to form codes that store the information.

5- You cannot run Macintosh software on a PC with an Intel Pentium 4 CPU because not all software is compatible with every CPU. An Intel Pentium 4 CPU cannot decipher Macintosh instructions.

6- Another thing that determines CPU processing speed is the CPU's word size, or how many bits in can process at one time. Also, to increase the speed, manufacturers have been offering multicore processors, multiple CPUs on a single chip.

7- It is important that computers support both internal and external expansion because it enables humans to communicate with computers through keyboards and mice and such. External expansion can be used to customize the computer or make it run faster.

8- Symmetrical multiprocessing can increase a computer's performance by making the computer run faster. As the clock speed increases, the heat generated by the CPU increases as well, making larger fans a necessity. This takes up space. Using more than one processor simultaneously means that the computer can process more bits at the same time, making the computer much more effecient and faster at performing operations.

9- RAM is the Random Access Memory. The RAM is divided into many smaller compartments on which information is stored randomly. When commanded to retrieve the information, the computer quickly does so. However, when the power goes off, the computer instantly forgets everything stored in the RAM. ROM is read-only memory. The information on the ROM was etched onto it when it was manufactured. No new information can be written to it. Information can only be read from it. It cannot be changed except by replacing the ROM chip.

10- Primary storage is a device where computer data is stored during processing. An example is the RAM and ROM. The secondary storage is where data for software is stored. Examples are CD-ROMs, floppy disks, and flash drives.

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