Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Biometric System Questions

1- define biometrics.
Biometrics is the method of identifying individuals based on biological properties. Technology scans a body part to match the scanned data with data previously stored in the system. Examples are fingerprints, DNA scans, voice recognition, and retina scans.

2- list and explain a use of a biometrics system in each area of impact.
Business and employment: Many US financial institutions are using biometric identification at the employee or customer level.

Education: Schools are using fingerprinting to replace library cards.

Health: Individuals are identified through DNA samples.

Arts/entertainment/leisure: Walt Disney World season pass holders are identified by biometric data.

Science and environment: Biometrics itself is a science. It is used to allow access to high security labs and workspaces.

Politics and Government: Law enforcment uses facial recognition and fingerprints to identify criminals.

3- explain how one type of biometric system works.
Fingerprint scanners scan the person's fingerprint then match the print against a database of other fingerprints.

4- who approves/disapproves of the use of biometrics?
Civil liberty Unions disapprove of the use of biometrics because it raises many privacy issues. They are afraid that it will become a means of tracking individuals on maps across our lives, as more and more of our data about our activities is being tracked and recorded. Consumers also are suspicious of this technology because they fear that the government will use the information against them. Business and other large corporations approve of its use, as they think it will make their business more secure and efficient.

5-explain 3 concerns regarding the use of the biometrics system.

-The government will misuse the information.

- Criminals will still find a way to get around the system, such as stealing the body parts necessary to access a certain area.

- Our data cannot be altered, so if it is stolen, there is a BIG problem.

6- explain 3 advantages to using the biometrics system.

- Criminals can be easily identified and caught.
- It is very hard and almost impossible to change our biometric data making us always recognizable. (This can also be a bad thing.)
-Can help reduce identity fraud

7- what is the benefit of using biometrics as shown in the last clip?
Advertisers can personalize their ads through retina scanning, making the ads more personal and appealing.

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