Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Article on peripherals:

Social Issues:
2- This new keyboard was invented by a man who was annoyed by the traditional QWERTY keyboard, and felt that a different keyboard would be easier to type with.
3- The stakeholders are the inventor, John Parkinson, any companies that choose to support/endorse his product, and the general public, who will need to be convinced that his keyboard is better than the standard one.
6- This new keyboard may not have that much impact on human life in general. This product may fail to interest the public and crash and burn as a project, losing the inventor time and money. While the style of the keyboard may be more healthy for the hands, if no one is interested in learning a new style of typing, there will be no point, especially when ergonomically designed QWERTY keyboards can be had.
7- The invention of this keyboard shows creativity on the part of the inventor, who had a problem and came up with a solution. The keyboard may gain some users locally, but it is doubtful that it will greatly affect the global community.

Ethical Issues:
1- An issue brought up with this new keyboard is reliability. Will this keyboard work as well as the QWERTY one? People have grown so used to this keyboard, that it will be very hard to change to a new style of typing.
2,3- John Parkinson is both responsible and accountable for making sure his new keyboard works properly, and gains market among the public.
4- I do not think that any policies, rules or laws apply to this situation.

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