Thursday, October 22, 2009

TechReflect 10/22

1- TechReflect: Imagine you were alseep for a thousand years and suddenly woke up in this technological age. What are some things that can help you get up-to-date with using technology.
To get up to date on current technology, I would go to a library and find books about technology. I would also ask a librarian for help with the technology. After I got a basic understanding, I would use the internet to research and use the various technologies available.

2- Read p.383-4. What inspired Alan Kay? What did he accomplish?
Alan Kay was inspired by Douglas Engelbart and his demonstration of interactive computing. After this, Kay began to build a personal computer. However, he wanted the personal computer to be somthing that would go everywhere and work as a calculator, calendar, word processor, graphics machine, communication device, and reference tool. Apple's Macintosh took Kay's ideas and built on them, become on the first inexpensive personal computers with his ideas. He also developed a graphical programming tool for children with Disney.

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