Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions, p. 420 #4, 6, 11-13

4. For the worker, being replaced by technology would not be good as they would lose their jobs, or have their duties de-skilled. However, things in society run smoothly because of these people.

6. While I agree that students can become too dependent on computers and calculators, there is no doubt that they are extremely useful. The key is to use them in moderation. You do not need to use a calculator to add or subtract basic amounts. To some degree, we should be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide mentally. For long complicated numbers and equations, then we should use calculators. As for computers, it is easier and faster to type and edit a paper than rewrite it several times over and over. However, people can become dependent on spell check, and instead of learning how to spell the words, they use spell check to correct everything. This leads to weak spelling ability, and when one has to write something, they will spell many words wrong because they do not have spell check in front of them.

11. In terms of technology, my use of it in school for school has only recently begun to increase. As a grade school student, the computer was only used to type up big reports and projects, or to research something that could not be found in a library. All my papers were hand-written, all research was done at the library. I did not use email. However, since the beginning of high school, most of my research is done on the internet, and most of my papers are typed. A lot of communication is done through email. I have begun to use computers for so many more things than I used to. Despite all this, I do not think that I have been really missing anything from my education. I think that because I did not use computers from a young age, I developed other important skills, like how to research in a library.

12. Yes, I think computers can strengthen families and communities, but they can also weaken them. If a family is in separate places, then the computer makes it easier for them to chat with each other and keep in contact, instead of just seeing them once every year or two or so. However, the computer can also cause division in the family. Children fight over whose turn it is to use the computer, or they may spend most of their time on the computer instead of interacting with their family around them.

13. The computers themselves cannot make people more or less creative. It is the people themselves who have to make this change. I do think, though, that due to the advances in technology, it will be easier to be more creative. Even those who are not creative may wish to try out their creativity on the new technology. The technology may make it easier for uncreative people to bring out the creativity within themselves.

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