Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HW: Review Questions

Review Questions: Pg. 420 4-10, 12-17

4. Telecommuting allows the worker to work from home on their own schedule. The times are more flexible. Also, because they are in a comfortable working environment, their productivity increases. Telecommution also benefits the environment. With more people working at home, there are less people driving to work and harming the environment. Accidents and traffic are reduced.

5. Managers use surveillance technology to keep tabs on their employees. They also use wireless handheld devices that are portable, so they can be in the office at all times.

6. De-skilling is when a job is transformed so that it requires less skill due to technology. For example, computerized screens in fast-food shops have buttons labeled "fries" rather than numbers to press. Up-skilling is when, because of automation, a job becomes more complicated. When an office adopts databases, spreadsheets, and email systems, secretaries have to know how to use them.

7. In electronic sweatshops, minorities and often women, perform mindless, repetitive tasks on computers, in large windowless rooms. Their breaks are monitored, and many health problems come from these jobs. Workers are paid little money and are oppressed in these jobs.

8. Even though more and more jobs are becoming automated, we still need someone to run the machines. Students need to be educated so they are able to perform in the jobs that they will eventually work in.

9. The goeals of education in the industrial age was to teach students the basic facts and survival skills they owuld need in for jobs in industry and agriculture. Students were expected to sit quietly and absorb facts. Today, the goals are still the same: to prepare students for their future careers. However, there is more emphasis on individual learning and more creativity, as opposed to the uniformity of before.

10. to live and work in teh information age, a student should be familiar with technology, be able to read and write, know basic mathematics as well as understand and apply concepts, know how to interact with others, be able to learn quickly, and have a strong cultural component.

12. Students and teachers use powerpoint presentations, educational software, educational games, simulations, and programming tools. They can also make video presentations.

13. Students can communicate with students in other states and countries, giving them new perspectives into what they are learning. Experts and other teachers can make "guest appearances" over videoconference. If a student is in a small area, they can join online groups for people with similar interests.

14. To ensure success, technology should be incorporated into the students lives, not simply one lab trip a week.

15. People use home computers for all kinds of things. They can work from them, manage the budget, use email and chat for keeping in contact with others, find recipes and stories, play games, do research, shop and so much more.

16. Smart cards contain microprocessors and memory. They store information such as ID information, transactions. They can be used for meal tickets, keys to access data, and replacements for food stamps and driver's licenses.

17. Many games are simulations. However, with advances in technology, home entertainment could become more interactive, with viewer controlled movies and TV.

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