Thursday, October 15, 2009


1- Write the URL for your blog.
2- What is a domain? Where does it appear in the URL?
A domain is the address of a website or the name of a host system in a network. It appears after the name of the site. For example, or
3- What is Boolean logic? How can you use it to find a passage of Beowulf in Old English?
Boolean logic is the system used for searching on the internet. It specifies keywords or other important things to make searches easier. It uses quotations, and words like AND and AND NOT, to specify. You can search, for example, "Beowulf Old AND English".
4- How is using the search engine helpful in different classes? Math? Arabic?
Using a search engine, we can find supplementary materials to what we have learned. We can also search for help or explanations of confusing material. We can use search engines like to search articles in Arabic.
5- What is the purpose of a network server?
A network server shares data, programs and other resources. They give you access to the internet and other resources.
6- Pros and cons of USB drives?
USB drives can be a backup storage. They are small and portable. However, they can get lost. They can run out of memory. They can be stolen.

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