Thursday, October 1, 2009

Review: Internet Connections

a) How does the type of Internet connection influence the things you can do on the Internet?
There are several types of Internet connections. There are direct connections, dial-up connections, and several types of broadband connections. Direct connections are used mostly by school's and businesses. They allow you to store files on the computer and not on a remote host. Response time is much faster which means it is easier to transfer large files quickly. A computer with a direct connection is always connected to the Internet and have static IP addresses. Computers with dial-up connections are temporarily connected to the Internet and are given a temporary IP addresses. Dial-up uses a modem and telephone wires. Service is much slower and less reliable than that of a computer with direct connection. Speed is limited by the modem. It is used mostly in small business and houses. Broadband connections have a higher bandwidth than standard modem connections. The speed is relatively fast, comparable to the speed of a direct connection. Also, the Internet is always on and available at any time. Both static and dynamic IP addresses are available.

b) Choose 2 areas of impact to discuss 1-2 (in total 3) social & ethical issues related to Internet connections.
AOI: Business & Employment
S/E Issue: Globalization and Cultural Diversity
Many businesses have websites about their companies. They conduct business all around the world. They use the Internet to communicate with employees and well as business counterparts. With Internet connection, a business in California can communicate with another company in Japan that they are doing business with. The Internet allows business to expand into other parts of the world and participate with businesses in many different countries.

AOI: Education
S/E Issue: Intellectual Property, Equality of Access
In most schools, students use the Internet for research for projects and other homework assignments. The Internet is used by students to email each other questions about homework as well as articles they may find necessary for their project. However, students who may be homeless or live in a low-income area may not have access to the Internet or even a computer. This affects their education as they are not able to complete their work or study, which makes their grades drop. Also of concern, is that students with Internet connections may plagiarize information from the Internet into their assignments. They may copy/paste directly into their assignment or even worse, may buy a paper off the Internet.

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