Thursday, October 8, 2009

SMS in Kenya

What is SMS? How was it used in Kenya? What are some Social/Ethical Issues involved with it? What are some ways it could be used for Education?

SMS (short message service) is a type of messaging done over mobile devices (cell phones). It is basically text messaging. In Kenya, it is used as a part of health services combating malnutrition in children. The length and circumference of the child's upper arm is measured. All the data is collected on mobile phones, then sent to a central database via SMS messaging.
S/E Issues:
People and Machines: The things now done by the SMS system used to be done manually. Instead of the data being logged into books, it is done through computers.
Security and Privacy: All the data is stored on a central database. Health profiles of these children are built up over time. If someone hacks into the system, the privacy of these children can be undermined.
SMS messaging can be used for sending study notes, and tips for certain subjects. It can also be used for students and teachers to communicate in faster manner for help with homework.

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