Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Review Questions 2-6

2- Bitmapped graphics are maps showing how the pixels on the screen should be represented. Object-oriented graphics store pictures as a collection of lines and shapes as opposed to a collection of dots. The disadvantages of bitmapped images is that the bit depth limits an artist's ability to create images.

3- The bit depth and resolution limit the realism of a bitmapped image. Realistic color graphics need more memory. They require hardware that can display millions of color at one time. Also, some computers can not display every pixel at high resolutions.

4-Digital image processing edit images. Digitial photos are bitmapped images. Digital image processing software manipulate these images.

5- 3-D modeling and CAD software can be used by graphic designers to create 3D objects. They can be rotated, stretched, and combined with other objects to create complex 3D scenes. These scenes can then be navigated around, to view it from different angles. This is used in animated movies like Finding Nemo. CAD allows engineers to design products.

6-Image compression is an important part of digital video technology because digital data can take up a lot of storage space. Compression allows the data to be stored in a smaller space with slight loss in quality.

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