Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ch. 7 Review Questions 2-6

2- What is the difference between a file manager and a database-management system? How are they similar?
A file manager is a program that enables users to work with one file at a time. A database-management system is a program or system of programs that can manipulate data in a large collection of files. Both store files and make information easier to access, however, DBMS is better for large, complex jobs.

3- Describe the structure of a simple database. use the terms "file", "record", and "field" in your description.
A database is a collection of records, information related to a person, product or event. Each separate chunk of information in a record is called a field. A file is the entire collection of data stored on the computer.

4- What is a query? Give examples of the kinds of questions that might be answered with a query?
A query is a request for specific information. The query can be for a specific record, like a recipe for banana bread, or it can be a search for all records that match a specific set of criterion, like all recipes for sweet breads.

5- What steps are involved in producing a standard multi-column business report from a database?
A business report would be composed of an ordered list of selected records and fields organized so they are easy to read and understand. They would include information as well as any calculations and numbers organized in columns and rows.

6- What are the advantages of personal information management software over paper notebook organizers? What are the disadvantages?
The advantages of using personal information management software (PIM) over notebook organizers are that PIM s are faster and easier to use for busy people. They work on portable computers and handheld devices. Also, pocket-sized devices can connect with PIM software on a PC or Mac. This way the device can stay up-to-date wherever the user is. On the downside, if the handheld device is lost or stolen, whoever has it can access all the information stored on the device. If the user is especially dependent on it, then he/she will be lost without it. Also, the information can be hacked if the user is using a Web-based PIM.

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