Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Databases Review

1- Define RDBMS:
RDBMS is relational database management system. It is data that is stored in several linked databases.

2-Identify 3 tables that could be part of a doctor's office patient relational database.
Three tables that could be part of this database would be the patient's medical record number, lab test results, and his name.

3-Searching the database to find specific information is called a _query_.

4- Why are we concerned about electonic databases?
There are several concerns with electronic databases, specifically the information being used improperly or getting into the wrong hands. Their is always the worry that the information may be incorrect, or that it is not securely stored.

5- Explain 3 different types of S/E issues related to online databases.
Some S/E issues related to online databases are security, control, and authenticity. Security: If security systems on the database are not adequate, then hackers can access private information such as SSNs or credit card numbers and cause harm with them. Control: if only certain people are allowed to access the information, they might use it for their own benefit, possible illegally as well. Authenticity: sometimes databases are not updated with accurate information. The address or phone number or whatever of a person can be wrong and they will miss out on products or services that should otherwise be given to them. Also, as there are many people with the same name, it can be easy to get them confused and mix their information.

6- What is something we need to protect electronic databases from? What can be used to protect them?
We need to protect databases from hackers. We can use security software and firewalls to protect the databases.

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