Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whither the Renaissance Man Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:
  1. The author suggests that people "invest in knowledge that won't wear out." What kinds of knowledge do you think he is referring to?

The author is referring to knowledge that will always be useful. This can be knowledge about basics, or it can be more specialized knowledge. This way, if all the books in the world disappeared, the knowledge would still be passed down through the generations. Knowledge that won't wear out is knowledge that will always be useful no matter what happens. For example, knowing how to cook, to build, to sew, is knowledge that won't wear out. People will always need to know how to do these things.

2. How could you make your own undergraduate studies more of an exploration and less of a routine?

To make your undergraduate studies more of an exploration rather than a routine, we should take classes in other subjects we are interested in, rather than only the ones we are specializing in. We should take the opportunity to take random classes and discover new things.

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