Wednesday, September 2, 2009


TechReflect: What major events before the twentieth century influenced the development of the computer?
Before the invention of the computer, humans had to do all mathematical calculations. These calculations took many hours to produce, and they were filled with mistakes. Two British visionaries imagined the building of a mechanical computers that would do these calculations faster, and with no mistakes. However, it would take another 125 years before this vision became a reality.

  1. Travel is made easier.
  2. We can go longer distances in shorter times.
  3. The car industry provided many new jobs for people.
  4. The assembly line was invented.


  1. We have become lazy and drive everywhere instead of walking or biking.
  2. Most cars run on gasoline, whose exhaust harms the environment.
  3. Natural gas is running out because of excessive use by cars.
  4. Many people die due to car accidents.



  1. We can see the news happening all over the world.
  2. It provides us with entertainment.
  3. There are several educational channels that can teach us many new things about the world around us.


  1. Inappropriate and objectionable content is often shown on TV.
  2. We become lazy and gain weight from watching too much television.
  3. From the many shows and programs, people can gain an unrealistic view on life and be living with their heads in the clouds.

As a result of the invention of these machines, our lives have, no doubt, changed very much. However, whether it was for the positive or negative can be argued. I think that the invention of the automobile was very beneficial. Before the car was invented, people traveled around on animals, and in carriages. Travel was limited by how fast and how far an animal could take you. The car made it easier for people to travel farther distances in shorter amounts of time. People are now able to drive from one coast to the other in about a week. Before, it might have taken months or even years. The car allows us to visit family and friends whom we might otherwise not be able to visit. The television, is both positive and negative. Through it, we can view events that are happening around the world. We can also watch shows that will keep us entertained. However, these shows often contain foul language and inappropriate content. I think that as Muslims, the harms of the television outweigh the benefits. While our life has benefitted from the car, I don't think that the television has benefitted our life as much.

The Computer has many positive and negative effects. Among the positive is that through computers, we can access the internet. We have email through which we can talk to relatives and good friends who may live far away in a timely manner. We can also research information for projects or out of curiosity. Their are programs on the computer that allow us to type up papers instead of handwriting them, making them faster to write and easier to edit. However, once the computer is in our life, we become dependent on it. The computer may crash, or have viruses, destroying our work and not letting us do anything else with it. Also, through the internet, we may gain incorrect information and inappropriate content.

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