Sunday, August 23, 2009

Online Communities

Five popular online communities include:

  1. Facebook: keeping in touch with friends nearby and far away, meeting new people

  2. Twitter: having information readily available in easily processed bytes

  3. Myspace: keeping in touch with friends, sharing pictures and information

  4. Flickr: photosharing

  5. Youtube: sharing videos for education and entertainment

Privacy and Anonymity on Facebook:

Privacy is the ability for individuals and groups to determive when, how and to what extent information about themselves is shared with others. On Facebook, there is not much privacy. Comments can be seen by all. Also, with people being able to post pictures, there may be inappropriate pictures posted, or pictures of people who do not want their picture taken. Individuals whose pictures are taken without their knowledge are not able to control how it is shared. They may not want pictures of themselves distributed. People may also make fake accounts pretending to be someone else. These fake accounts may be used to harass people.

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