Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Classwork: TechReflect

How do you feel about computers and technology? Explain your positive and negative feelings.

Computers are very beneficial and helpful to me. I use them to type up my homework and essays instead of writing them. I use the internet to keep in contact with my friends that live far away and researching information. Computers aren't the only useful technology though. Other things like cell phones, televisions and radios play a very important part in my life. Technology allows us to keep in contact with others, know what is going on around the world, and do things in an easier way. I like technology most of the time. However, sometimes I have trouble understanding how to work new gadgets and adjusting to having them in my life. Also, sometimes they replace jobs that people would normally do, leading to unemployment. Or they do a job that we could otherwise do on our own, contributing to laziness and obesity.

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