Monday, August 24, 2009

IT Triangle Approach

Section 2: IT Systems in a Social Context
Projectors are very important at our school. They are used to project the day's lesson onto the board for students to copy down. Most teachers have opted to use PowerPoint presentations to present the lesson instead of writing it on the board. This makes it easier for the teachers to teach. However, it can also be troublesome for the school, because they have to purchase the projectors, and pay for their electricity consumption as well as any repairs they may require.

Section 1: Social and Ethical Issues
The use of the projectors in the school raises several issues. First is that of equality of access. If the school does not have enough money, then not every teacher will be able to have one. This might make some teachers feel unhappy or left out. Second is policies. Who will be allowed to use the projectors? Will there be times when projectors should not be used? And lastly, is people and machines. While this machine makes it easier for the teacher, it might make learning more impersonal for the student.

Section 3: Areas of Impact:
Education: It makes it easier for teachers to teach the lesson, rather than standing in front of the board and writing all day, hurting their arms.
Negative: Using the projector might make the students not pay attention or feel like they aren't truly being "taught". This might result in lower class participation and lower overall grades.

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