Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Key terms

Intranet: an intraorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the internet S/E: Equality of Access: only certain people can access this network, Reliability: if the network goes down, the entire organization is unable to communicate with each otehr

Middleware: Connectivity software linking the client and server machines, providing easy access to information. S/E: Security: Hackers can access the software and steal information

e-business: Though sometimes used interchangeably with the broader term e-commerce, here used to refer to the e-commerce activities of a particular company or organization. S/E: Globalization & Cultural diversity: People all over the world can conduct business with eachoter over the internet, without having to travel

e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks S/E: Policies and Standards: One group or corporation can try to control all the business

Dot-coms: Internet-based companies S/E: Equality of Access: those without internet service will not be able to access these companies, or do business with them.

Mobile commerce: the ability to commerce/business using a mobile device S/E: Security: Information may be easily stolen if the device is stolen

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