Wednesday, February 24, 2010

IB practice

1- Computer-based translators often perform translations rather badly because they are programmed to translate words, not paragraphs. The translator does not know the proper grammar and sentence structure, and cannot translate a full paragraph properly. It translates word for word instead. If the person using this translator were to translate the words they did not know, and put them in the proper sentence structure, the translation would probably turn out better.

Language use can be variable so translation is not precise. word by word translation, no context, synonyms, colloquial use of language. Different word order,

2- Markup language is the language of the internet. It writes the webpage to be published.

is a text-based languge in web pages. tags are inserted in text of page to tell a web browser how to display the text on a user's screen. the coding is then interpreted by a computer program. the info is presented so it is accessible across a wide variety of hardware and other applications

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