Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Review Questions 10, 11

10- In what ways can computer security protect the privacy of individuals? In what ways can computer security threaten the privacy of individuals?
Computer security can protect the privacy of individuals when it blocks unauthorized users from gaining access to private information. It prevents those intent on harming others from hacking into private accounts and stealing money or information. Computer security can threaten privacy of individuals when it becomes too invasive. Companies are allowed to read through the email records of employees who use their computers, and the FBI is allowed to wiretap, go through personal conversations and emails, and do other electronic surveillance.

11- What are smart weapons? How do they differ from conventional weapons? What are the advantages and risks of smart weapons?
Smart weapons are weapons that use computerized guidance systems to locate their targets. They are extremely accurate, but reduce time people have to make life and death decisions. If used properly, they can greatly decrease the amount of civilian damage done. If the user does not use accurate data or make a correct decision, many innocent lives can be lost, as with the example of an American guided missile cruiser using a computerized defense system to shoot down and Iranian Airbus with 290 civilians.

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