Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Discussion Questions 4-6

4- I think that email messages should be encrypted when they are sent. This way it will be harder to decode them, and those who are not willing to work too hard to get the information they want (illegally) will be discouraged. However, people bent on evil will find a way to commit it one way or another, so it doesn't make much difference whether the messages are encrypted or not.

5- No, I would not like to work in a business where I was required to wear an active badge. I like to have my privacy and I would not like my location being tracked and recorded at all times. I might as well be a cow or some other livestock or merchandise that needs to be kept track of.

6- Like missile defense systems, other large software systems would have to be completely reliable, without the chance of making a mistakes. There is also the worry that these large systems would take humans out of the equation and result in the loss of jobs.

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