Monday, April 12, 2010

Information Privacy

Rights of individuals w respect to storage of personal data:
-problems with security of biometrics
-some say it protects against crime, some say it is a violation of our rights
-Act ensures that people's information is not being used without the consent of the person.
-gvmt was given access to private personal information under PATRIOT Act.
-protection laws in US are not that strong

Social Consequences of the release of sensitive data stored in databases
-being falsely accused of a crime
-sensitive data includes: SSN, credit card number/banking information, tax information, credit reports
-data stays on hard drive of computer, it can be easily recovered if you are not careful.

Ethical Issues related to Selling Data in Databases:
-databases are filled with information that is sold to all kinds of people
-issues of privacy and security
-personal data such as SSN, credit card numbers etc are stored. however, databases sell the information to companies.
-owners will not feel secure and fear identity theft.
-laws require protection for protection of information, and maintainance of accurate information

Paper Files vs. Electronic Files:
-electronic files are easier for searching for a file
-makes it easier to look at a file: with paper, only one person can look. with el files, many people can access them
-people can steal information from databases from anywhere.
-data is not really deleted unless you override the hard drive

Responsibility for the Security of Data Stored in Databases (from different perspectives):
-there are many many database breaches
-recognize the type of information being stolen, freeze the account
-software are bieng used to fight data theft, secure networks, safeguard database integrity
-be careful of the information you disclose to others

Social Consequences of Outdated or Incorrect Information in Databases:
-relational databases have similare field that contain all info about one perosn
-if the info is incorrect, you may not receive products or services that you should be receiving
-also, you can get the wrong services or products if it is confused with other people's information

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