Wednesday, October 7, 2009


How easy/difficult is it to use RSS? Find 2 online applications that display feeds. How difficult is it to use RSS (can a clue-less web browser figure out how to use it)? Post a picture of the icon used for RSS.
RSS is a type of push technology that delivers website updates straight to the subscriber. Suscribers to websites run RSS reading browsers that periodically visit the websites, examine the feeds, and display the new content. This makes it easier on the subscriber as they don't have to check all the different websites to see if they have been updated. RSS is relatively easy to use. Instead of checking all the different blogs I read to see if they have been updated, I can see when they have been updated when I log into my account.
These two websites use RSS:, as well as our own blogs if we subscribe to other blogs.

Review: What is Boolean Logic?
Boolean logic is a complex query structure used by most search engines. For example, one can search "american AND indian AND NOT cleveland" to focus the search on Native Americans. Boolean logic allows a person to be very specific in their searches in order to find exactly what they are looking for.

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