Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Death Star as an IT System

Equality of Access:

Death Star is in outer space. Reaching Death Star is only possible for those with spaceships. However, Death Star makes itself available to everyone when it decides to destroy another planet, or such. Death Star is also made available to those who belong to the Sith. All of them are able to access headquarters. If you are not a Sith, you do not have access.

People and Machines:

Death Star is controlled by the Sith. I would assume the design is safe and effective, as long as you didn't make an enemy of it. This machine takes away the jobs of humans. Instead of them personally going and fighting, the machine beams a killing beam at what it needs destroyed. However, this machine does not think for or control itself. It needs a human to control it.

I really hope that this is what you wanted. :)

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