Thursday, May 6, 2010

Key Terms--Integrated System

robot: computer controlled machines designed to perform specific tasks
android: an automaton that resembles a human being
cyborg: a cyber organism: a living organism with biological and machine components
sensors: A device that enables digital machines to monitor a physical quantity of the analog world, such as temperature, humidity, or pressure, to provide data used in robotics, environmental climate control, and other applications
AI: The field of computer science devoted to making computers perceive, reason, and act in ways that have, until now, been reserved for human beings.
Turing test: a way to test machine intelligence
parallel processing: using multiple processors to divide jobs into pieces and work on the pieces simultaneously
machine learning: Artificial intelligence techniques that make it possible for machine performance to improve based on feedback from past performance.
natural language: language that people speak and write each day
common-sense knowledge: the collection of facts and information that a person is expected to know
agent: Software programs that can ask questions, respond to commands, pay attention to users’ work patterns, serve as a guide and a coach, take on owners’ goals, and use reasoning to fabricate their own goals.
pattern recognition: identifying recurring patterns in input data with the goal of understanding or categorizing that input
expert system: Information systems or software programs designed to replicate the decision-making process of a human expert.
knowledge base: a database that contains both facts and a system of rules for determining and changing the relationship among those facts
inference engine: a computer program that tries to derive answers from a knowledge base
heuristics: a rule of thumb
fuzzy logic: A type of logic that allows conclusions to be stated as probabilities rather than certainties
knowledge engineer: an engineer who obtains knowledge from human experts and organizes it into a knowledge bas for an expert system

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Notes

EMR/EHR: Electronic Medical/Health Records
-nurse takes information, charts it. All this has been moved to the computer. Easier to locate patterns, access information. Doctor's handwriting messy, technicians get confused, mess up drug prescriptions, lab results, etc.
CCD: Continuity Care Document: medical records to be transported

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Review Questions 2-6

2- Bitmapped graphics are maps showing how the pixels on the screen should be represented. Object-oriented graphics store pictures as a collection of lines and shapes as opposed to a collection of dots. The disadvantages of bitmapped images is that the bit depth limits an artist's ability to create images.

3- The bit depth and resolution limit the realism of a bitmapped image. Realistic color graphics need more memory. They require hardware that can display millions of color at one time. Also, some computers can not display every pixel at high resolutions.

4-Digital image processing edit images. Digitial photos are bitmapped images. Digital image processing software manipulate these images.

5- 3-D modeling and CAD software can be used by graphic designers to create 3D objects. They can be rotated, stretched, and combined with other objects to create complex 3D scenes. These scenes can then be navigated around, to view it from different angles. This is used in animated movies like Finding Nemo. CAD allows engineers to design products.

6-Image compression is an important part of digital video technology because digital data can take up a lot of storage space. Compression allows the data to be stored in a smaller space with slight loss in quality.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

notes ch 5

paperless publishing
Pdf- portable document format, lets all document types be edited, moved and etc. on any system
copyright protection: posting on the web are available for anyone to read or copy and claim as their own
ebook: a handheld device that contains all kinds of written material like newspapers and books
epaper: a flexible, portable, paper-like material that displays black and white text and images on its surface, can erase itself and show new material as readers "turn" the page
spreadsheet software enables to the user to control numbers, spreadsheet programs siplify calulations
worksheet: spreadsheet doc that appears on screen with grids of numbered rows and lettered columns
each box that is an intersection of row and column is called a cell
values: raw material spreadsheet software uses to perfurm calculations
functions are set calculations
macros are custom-designed procedure programs that automates tasks in application
auto recalculation changes all data related to a change
templates:ready to use worksheet layouts
automatic links: when something changes, all linked worksheets update automatically
pie charts: show relative proportions of parts to the whole
line charts: show trends over time
bar charts: like line graphs, better for when data falls into more categoreies
scatter charts: used to discover a relationship between two variables
guidelines to prevent errors:
-plan worksheet before you enter values and fomulas
- make assumptions as accurate as possible
- double-check everything
-make formula readavble
- take advantage of programmed functions and templates

most businesses use accounting and financial management software instead of spreadsheets
mathematics-processing software: for those whose math needs go beyond capabilities of basic spreadsheets. include interactive wizard
statistics: the science of collecting and analyzing data
statistical sofware helps answer questions
scientific visualization software: uses shape, location in space, color, brightness and motion to help understand relationships that are invisible to us.
modeling: the use of computers to create abstract models of objects, organisms, organizations, and process that can be done with spreadsheets, mathematical applications or standard programming languages
abstraction: a set of concepts and ideas
feedback loop: the user and computer responding to data from each other
Desktop publishing: producing a book magazine or any other publication
source docs:use standard word processors and graphics programs to produce these documents
template: professionally designed empty page
DTP can be used by all kinds of people, both big business and regular people
Computer simulation and visualization
can come in forms such as numerical data or graphical representation
the human body was cut up, photographed, digitized and put together
a computer can be used as a visual lab that simulates physical process without any hands-on, real-world experiments
computer modeling- the use of computers to create abstract models of objects, organisms, organizations and processes
abstraction: a set of concepts and ideas designed to mimic some kind of system

Monday, April 19, 2010

Key Terms

  1. WYSIWYG: short for "what you see is what you get". Basically, in a word processor, words appear on the screen almost exactly as they will appear on a printed page.
  2. Justification: the alignment of text on a line
  3. Headers: a block that appears at the top of every page in a document, displaying repetitive information like a chapter title.
  4. Footers: block of information that appears on the bottom of every page in a document, displaying repetitive information such as an automatically calculated page number
  5. Stylesheets: custom styles for each of the common elements in a document
  6. Automatic Footnoting: a word processing feature that places footnotes where they belong on the page
  7. Automatic Hyphenation: a word-processing feature that divides long words that fall at the end of lines
  8. Automatic Formatting: (autoformat): a word processing feature that applies formatting to the text
  9. Automatic Correction (autocorrect): a word processing feature that catches and corrects common typing errors
  10. wizards: a software help agent that walks the user through a complex process
  11. HTML: an HTML document is a text file that includes codes that describe the format, layout, and logical structure of a hypermedia document.
  12. Outliners: software that facilitates the arrangement of information into hierarchies or levels of ideas. some word processors include outline views that serve the same function of separate outliners.
  13. Outline View: the outliner option built into Microsoft Word, which enables the user to examine and restructure the overall organization of a document, while showing each topic in as much detail as you need.
  14. Thesaurus: a synonym finder; often included with a word processor
  15. Spelling Checker: a built-in component of a word-processor or a separate program that compares words in a document with words in a disk-based dictionary, and flags words not in the dictionary. may operate in batch mode, checking all the words at once, or interactive mode, checking one word at a time.
  16. Grammar and Style Checker: component of a word-processing software that analyzes each word in context, checking for content errors, common grammatical errors, and stylistic problems
  17. Mail merge: a feature of a word processor or other program that enables it to merge names and addresses from a database mailing list into personalized form letters and mailings.
  18. Groupware: softare designed to be used by work groups rather than individuals
  19. Speech-recognition software: the identification of spoken words and sentences by a computer, making it possible for voice input to be converted into text files.
  20. Desktop Publishing (DTP): software used mainly to produce print publications.
  21. Source documents: in DTP, the articles, chapters, maps, drawings, charts, and photographs that are to appear in the publication
  22. page-layout software: in desktop publishing, software used to combine various source documents into a coherent, visually pleasing publication
  23. kerning: the spacing between letter pairs in a document
  24. leading: the spacing between lines of text
  25. templates: in DTP, professionally designed empty documents that can be adapted to specific user needs.
  26. spot color: the relatively easy use of a single color (or sometimes two) to add interest to a DTP product
  27. full-color: a desktop-published document that uses a wide range of color
  28. camera-ready: typeset quality pages, ready to be photographed and printed
  29. Portable document format (PDF): allows documents of all types to be stored, viewed, or modified on any Windows or Mactinosh computer, making it possible for many organizations to reduce paper flow
  30. electronic book: a handheld device that displays digital representations of the contents of books
  31. electronic paper: a flexible, portable, paper-like display
  32. spreadsheet software: enables the users to control numbers, manipulating them in various ways. this software can manage budgeting, investment management, business projections, grade books, scientific simulations, checkbooks, financial planning and speculation, and other tasks involving numbers
  33. worksheet: a spreadsheet document that appears on the screen as a grid of numbered rows and columns
  34. columns: along with rows, comprise the grid of a spreadsheet
  35. cell: the intersection of a row and column on the grid of a spreadsheet
  36. address: in a spreadsheet, the location of a cell, determined by row number and column number
  37. value: the numbers that are the raw material used by spreadsheet software to perform calculations
  38. labels: in a spreadsheet, a text entry that provides information on what a column or row represents.
  39. formula: step-by-step procedure for calculating a number on a spreadsheet
  40. replication: automatic replication of values, labels and formulas, a feature of spreadsheet software
  41. automatic recalculation: a spreadsheet capability that allows for easy correction of errors and makes it easy to try out different values while searching for solutions
  42. functions: a predefined set of calculations such as SUM and AVERAGE in spreadsheet software
  43. macros: custom-designed, embedded procedure program that automates tasks in application programs
  44. automatic links: a link between worksheets in a spreadsheet that ensures a change in one worksheet is reflected in another
  45. equation solver: a feature of some spreadsheet programs that determines data values
  46. pie charts: a round, pie-shaped chart that show the relative proportions of the parts to the whole
  47. modeling: the use of computers to create abstract models of objects, organisms, organizations, and processes
  48. abstraction: a set of concepts and ideas designed to mimic some kind of system
  49. scientific visualization software: uses shape, color, location in space, brightness and motion to help understand relationships that are invisible to us. can come in forms of numerical data or graphical representations.
  50. statistics: the science of collecting and analyzing data

Monday Lecture notes

-no errors
-does what its supposed to do
-no "bugs", bug-free. bugs=errors
-performs the way we expect it to

-when a virus is introduced into a software, the software does what the virus wants it to do, not what its supposed to do.
-denial of service: a device has a limitation that caters to a certain amount of people. if the request for the service suddenly increases, the sevice will break. DoS is a program that accesses web servers many times per second and makes the server shut down,

-authentications--usernames and passwords
-boxes with letters to prevent DoS attacks
-installing anti-viruses and firewalls (DeMilitarizationZone), encryption
-data in flight-is traveling, out of firewalls/protection etc., data at rest-within firewall, data center, protection
-HTTPS means it is secure

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Key terms

  1. information: anything that can be communicated
  2. data: information in a form that can be read, used, and manipulated through a computer
  3. database: a collection of organized information stored in an organized form on a computer
  4. distributed database: data strewn out across networks on different computers
  5. relational database: a program that allows files to be related to each other so changes in one file are reflected in other files automatically
  6. object-oriented database: instead of storing records in tables, stores software objects that contain procedures (or instructions) with data
  7. object: in object-oriented databases, a data structure defined according to its class
  8. centralized database: a database housed in a mainframe computer, accessible only to information-processing personnel
  9. database management system (DBMS): a program or system of programs that can manipulate data in a large collection of files (the database), cross-referencing between files as needed.
  10. database program: a software tool for organizing the storage and retrieval of the information in a database
  11. database server: a powerful computer for holding and managing an interactive, multi-user databse
  12. export data: transmitting records and fields from a database program to another program
  13. dirty data: data records with spelling mistakes, incorrect or obsolete values, or other errors
  14. data scrubbing/cleansing: the process of going through a database and eliminating records that contain errors.
  15. data mining: the discovery and extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases
  16. data translation software: software that enables users of different systems with incompatible file formats to read and modify each other's files
  17. data warehouse: an integrated collection of corporate data stored in one location
  18. data warehousing: software used to create and maintain large databases
  19. field: each discrete chunk of information in a database record
  20. field type: the characteristic of a field that determines the kind of information that can be stored in that field
  21. date field: a field containing only dates
  22. numeric field: a field containing only dates
  23. computed field: in a database, the field containing formulas similar to spreadsheet formulas; they display values calculated from values in other numeric fields
  24. key field: a field that contains data that uniquely identifies the record
  25. list view: showing data by displaying several records in lists similar to a spreadsheet
  26. form view: a view of the database that shows one record at a time
  27. record: in a database, the information relating to one person, product, or event
  28. search: looking for a specific record
  29. file: an organized collection of related information stored in a computer readable form
  30. file manager: a program that enables users to manipulate files on their computers
  31. query: an information request
  32. query language: a special language for performing queries, more precise than the English language.
  33. stored query: a commonly used query recorded by a database so it can be accessed quickly in the future.
  34. structured query language (SQL): a query language available for many different database management systems. More than a query language, SQL also accesses databases from a wide variety of vendors.
  35. sort: arrange records in alphabetic or numeric order based on values in one or more fields
  36. report: a database printout that is an ordered list of selected records and fields in an easy-to-read form
  37. record matching: compiling profiles by combining information from different database files by looking for a shared unique field
  38. select (records): looking for all files that match a set of criteria
  39. personal information manager (PIM): a specialized database program that automates an address/phone book, an appointment calendar, to-do lists, and miscellaneous notes
  40. privacy: freedom from unauthorized access to one's person, or information about one's person
  41. identity theft: the crime, committed by hackers and other unscrupulous individuals, of obtaining enough information about a person to assume his or her identity, often as a prelude to illegally using the victim's credit cards
  42. batch processing: accumulating transaction and feeding them into a computer in large batches
  43. baud rate: a speed of data transmission; not necessarily equivalent to bits per minute, the preferred measurement for high-speed modems
  44. data transfer rates: the speed at which a drive can read or write data
  45. browse: the process of finding information in a database or other data source
  46. class: in an object-oriented database, the data contained in the object as well as the kinds of operations that may be performed on the data
  47. client/server: client programs in desktop computers send information requests through a network to server databases on mainframes, minicomputers, and desktop computers; the servers process queries and send the requested data back to the client
  48. Code of Fair Information Practices: called for a ban on secret government databases, citizen access to personal information kept in government databases, and agency responsibility for database reliability and security
  49. geographical information system: combines tables of data with demographic information and displays geographical and demographic data on maps
  50. interactive processing: interacting with data through terminals, viewing and changing values online in real time
  51. real time: when a computer performs tasks immediately